Set A: Description of activity scenarios

Set B: Community programmes

Ÿ  Too many people fishing in one area

Ÿ  Establish artificial reefs for fishing

Ÿ  Fishing in spawning area

Ÿ  Provide technical training to the fishers

Ÿ  Fishing using hook and line

Ÿ  Provide micro credit

Ÿ  Too many motorized boats for tourists

Ÿ  Establish aquaculture in the sea

Ÿ  Diving in the shallow part of the sea

Ÿ  Ensure fishing access to inshore fisheries

Ÿ  Littering on the beach

Ÿ  Building residence for tourists

Ÿ  Discarding fishing equipments

Ÿ  Reduce the MPA area